Monday, April 15, 2013

Denmark vs Russia


We told you that a great event will happen on April and we were there. We are talking about the game between the Danish national team and the Russian national team in Ice Hockey. It was the first time we saw a Ice Hockey game in a stadium and not on the TV. 

We went to the Gigantium by bus. We arrived at 7:10 pm to find our places (we were sitting in front of the middle line) and unfortunately, it was too late to attend to the warm up so we waited until 7:25pm. At this time, players entered on the ice: Danish players in front of us and Russian players on our left. Then, after greeting the public, each team stand up (forming a line) and both anthem were played: "Der er et yndigt land" which means "There is a lovely country" is the national danish anthem that the whole stadium sang. This protocole finished, the game started at 7:30 pm. Ice Hockey game is composed of 3 periods which each lasts 20 minutes. There is a 15 minutes break between two periods. So we stayed more than 2 hours in the gigantium but it wasn't a bad thing because the game was very awesome and the public was very proud of its team even if the final score wasn't good for Denmark because they lost 0-3. We can say that the result isn't a surprise because Russia is the first hockey team in the world according the IIHF ranking contrary to the Danemark which is the 12th team.

At the end of the game, there were a shop and an autographs session so Thibaut bought a cap and a player sign it and I (Erwan) waited to get all players autographs. It was nice for a first Ice Hockey game

We advise you to go to see a Ice Hockey game for real at least one time in your life.

Enjoy videos and pictures,
Keep an eye on our adventure,

Benoît and Erwan.
Videos (work on Internet Explorer): 

Pictures :

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